Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"So what's a Gypsy Caravan?"

Yesterday I had multiple people ask me..."What is a gypsy caravan?"  When I ask people if they remember the Wizard of Oz scene where Dorothy runs away and meets “Professor Marvel” who is sitting outside of his gypsy caravan making dinner, I am instantly met with heads shaking no, funny faces and blank stares…it seems nobody remembers what happened to Dorothy before she went to Oz. 

Well anyway…I thought I would show a picture of a horse drawn gypsy caravan so everyone can understand what I am trying to create...only not horse drawn.  (Sorry the picture is in black and white…well really sepia tone.)

These wagons are usually highly decorated with elaborate colors and even gold leaf. They are fully functional as a home away from home, with beautiful wooden floors and interiors, a small kitchen area, large bed, pull out table and a small wood stove.  Notice also the cloister roof...this allows for light to enter no matter what time of day and it also acts as an extension of the roof for more head room.

To sum it up...these vehicles are beautiful, livable works of art!

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